Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cinderella: A Tragedy

Just imagine…
You make a painting taking great efforts… You waste a lot of colour trying to make the perfect colour tone… You finish the painting and you get immense satisfaction that it looks good… you show it to your dear ones and they are full of praise for your talent… you preserve your painting… nothing should fall on it… and it should not fall down… days flies away… you think nothing can go wrong now…
Then… tragedy strikes.
You had made another painting… you had kept it with your previous painting… when you take them out of their safe place you see that they are stuck together. Two creations destroyed together...
Well, I don’t have to imagine such a situation. It has happened to me. Not once but twice. The above painting, which I named 'Cinderella', had stuck with another painting. I had to do some patchwork on it, but I was able to restore it.
So the tip for the day is: Never keep two glass paintings together. Glass paint and outliner are super sticky. When you try to take apart two stuck paintings, the outliner and colour will peel off. So you have to be very careful and try to avoid this situation by storing paintings separately. And get them framed as soon as possible.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Flower: A Glass Painting

In this painting, instead of outliner, I used glass colours that had dried a bit.
You can also make outliners with fabric paint and glue- Just mix a drop of fabric paint with a teaspoon of glue. This way you can get outliners of different colours.But personally, I prefer black colour outline as black sets the outline of a picture without interfering with the picture itself.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Glass Painting

I love painting on glass. It is, most probably, the easiest method of painting. There is no need to add water or oil. All you need is:
1) A transparent base like a glass or a plastic sheet. You can even use a mirror, a bottle, a jar, etc.
2) The picture you would like to draw
3) Glass outliner
4) Glass paint
All you have to do is:
1) Keep the picture under a glass. Fix the picture properly with clips or cello tape.
2) Copy the picture to the surface with outliner. Let it dry for at least 2 hrs.
3) When it is dry you can start filling the design with glass colours.
4) Always keep the base on a flat surface. Glass paints are not very thick, so they will flow to a side if the glass is tilted.
5) Let the picture dry for at least 7 days. Guard the picture from dust when it is kept for drying. You can keep the painting inside a closed area like a cupboard.
Now you know the basics of making a glass painting. There are many tricks to make your painting beautiful. I will post them in the coming days.

St. Anthony: This is a glass painting I made for my Aunt.
I used fabric paint for the flowers. Using more than one kind of paint for a picture will enhance the beauty of the picture.